Home : Commissioner Certification |
RAPIDES PARISH NEEDS YOU! If you are interested in becoming an election commissioner use the link below to take our training and complete the test.
- Qualified voter, not entitled to assistance in voting
- Can be 17 years old in 12th grade
- Not have been convicted of an election offense
- Not a law enforcement officer
- Perform all duties required of a commissioner
- Provide your own transportation to and from your assigned precinct
- You must remain at your assigned location all day, you are unable to leave during your shift
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided for you
If you meet the qualifications you MUST:
- Complete an application found here: Application For Commissioner
- Complete the Commissioner online training and test found here: Commissioner training and test
- Please follow all instructions.
- Your test results and application must be emailed to kcorley@rapidesclerk.org or mailed to our office at 701 Murray Street, Suite 102, Alexandria, LA 71301.
As a reference a pamphlet can be found here: Informational Pamphlet for Election Day Voting (If you want a copy you can print or save from this link or one will be given at class as well.)
For your convenience an Election Schedule can be found here: Election Schedule
RAPIDES PARISH NEEDS YOU! If you are interested in becoming an election commissioner-in-charge use the link below to take our training and complete the test.
- Qualified voter, not entitled to assistance in voting
- Not have been convicted of an election offense
- Served as Commissioner in at least 2 elections in the last 4 years
- Not a law enforcement officer
- Attend training and successfully pass at least 15 questions of a 20 question test
- Not be a candidate in the election or a child, child's spouse, brother, brother's spouse, sister, sister's spouse, parent, spouse, or parents of the spouse of a candidate in the precinct where serving
- Perform all duties required of a commissioner-in-charge
- Provide your own transportation to and from your assigned precinct
- You must remain at your assigned location all day, you are unable to leave during your shift
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided for you
If you meet the qualifications you MUST:
As a reference a pamphlet can be found here: Informational Pamphlet for Election Day Voting (If you want a copy you can print or save from this link or one will be given at class as well.)
For your convenience an Election Schedule can be found here: Election Schedule
Thank you,
Karan A. Corley
Rapides Parish Clerk of Court